15-07-2023 - 15-07-2023

We are delighted to share the tremendous success of the Health Checkup Camp jointly organized by The Rotary Club of Panvel Mahanagar and the Interact Club of Panvel Mahanagar at Zilla Parishad School Kalundre, Panvel. This collaborative effort aimed to prioritize the health and well-being of the young students, and it stands as a testament to the power of community service. Recognizing the importance of regular health checkups for children, we came together to organize a comprehensive health camp that catered to the specific needs of more than 70 children. This initiative was driven by our shared commitment to improving the lives of those in our community, particularly the young ones who represent our future. The Health Checkup Camp, held on 15th July 2023, welcomed a team of five dedicated and experienced doctors who volunteered their time and expertise. With their compassionate approach and attention to detail, the doctors conducted thorough health assessments, providing each child with personalized medical attention and advice. The event witnessed an overwhelming response from the children and their parents alike. The smiles on the children's faces as they interacted with the medical team were truly heartwarming. Parents expressed their gratitude for the initiative, recognizing the importance of such health camps in ensuring their children's well-being. We extend our heartfelt appreciation to the team of doctors for their selfless dedication and commitment to serving the community. Their presence and medical expertise were invaluable in making the camp a resounding success and providing reassurance to the parents. Our gratitude also goes out to the members of The Rotary Club of Panvel Mahanagar and the Interact Club of Panvel Mahanagar who volunteered their time and efforts to ensure the smooth execution of the health camp. It is through the collective spirit of service that we can create meaningful and lasting impact. Furthermore, we express our sincere gratitude to Zilla Parishad School Kalundre for graciously hosting the health camp and supporting us in our endeavors. The collaborative efforts between our organizations and the school exemplify the spirit of unity and compassion that defines our clubs. As we celebrate the success of this Health Checkup Camp, let us remember that small acts of service can create a ripple effect of positivity in our community. The health assessments provided to these children are a step towards ensuring their overall well-being and future success. The Rotary Club of Panvel Mahanagar and the Interact Club of Panvel Mahanagar remain committed to serving the community and exploring further opportunities to make a positive difference. Together, we can continue to foster a healthier and happier community. Thank you to everyone involved for your unwavering support and dedication to this noble cause. Your contributions have made a significant impact on the lives of these young children and their families.

Project Details

Start Date 15-07-2023
End Date 15-07-2023
Project Cost 3500
Rotary Volunteer Hours 540
No of direct Beneficiaries 70
Partner Clubs Interact Club of RC Panvel Mahanagar
Non Rotary Partners Runathon Cycling Group
Project Category Disease Prevention and Treatment