20-05-2021 - 19-05-2022

Project Positive Health is PAN India initiative, which endeavors to work upon the cause of preventingand cotrolling the extent of Non-Communicable diseases. This programm is actively promoted by RID 3131.Programm was initiated in Rotary by RI Directors, Dr. Bharat Pandya and Rtn.KamalSanghavi and firthered by National Committee Member, DRFC Rtn. Dr. Girish Gune, who added an imprtant tag line to this " Ek Chamach Kum Chhar kadam Aage" We are in synergy with RCP Vibrant East and suscribed to the Moblile PPH APP. We can conduct online meetings through this App and help the users to enter basic parameters and to do self monitiring their health. Also this App can be given to Non Roterians to enhance Club Membership

Project Details

Start Date 20-05-2021
End Date 19-05-2022
Project Cost
Rotary Volunteer Hours 0
No of direct Beneficiaries 0
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Disease prevention and treatment